Questions for Haines Borough Assembly Members

There are several concerns with the gun resolution passed Tuesday by the Haines Borough Assembly, including but not limited to, the following questions:

  • In what ways does Tuesday’s resolution obligate or encumber the borough assembly or any future assembly to take actions regarding federal gun legislation?
  • What actions might those be?
  • Regarding the resolution language “the borough expresses its intent… to oppose… any efforts to unconstitutionally restrict such (Second Amendment) rights, and to use such legal means at its disposal to protect the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms,” who at the Haines Borough will determine the constitutionality of future, federal gun control legislation?
  • Can the Haines Borough, under its charter and other provisions of law delineating its powers, legally spend local taxpayer money opposing or resisting federal law?
  • What does assembly policy, borough code, or Alaska Municipal League advice say about municipal participation in national, political issues?

I’m hoping assembly members who supported this resolution, or borough staff, can answer these questions, as I’m sure they’re of concern to Haines Borough voters.

Thank you for your time and your service.

Tom Morphet

Box 102

Haines, AK


cc: Chilkat Valley News, KHNS